• Saying No Unequivocally Means No
    Saying No Unequivocally Means No  The information contained in this article may be triggering for Survivors of Sexual Trauma.  Please know: Healing Is Possible – Reach Out. Sexual assault affects 1 in 3 Read more
  • 5 More Helpful Things to Say Than "Calm Down"
    Author Andrea Bonior Ph.D Psychology Today In times of conflict, here's how to not add fuel to the fire. In all my years as a psychologist specializing in anxiety, and as a Read more
  • Establishing Healthy Boundaries
    When we talk about boundaries in relationships, it is important to acknowledge that personal boundaries are unique to everyone, and they may change overtime, depending on life circumstances. Boundaries in relationships are rules or limits that a person creates to identify for themselves what is reasonable, safe, and permissible for other people to behave around them. This includes... Read more
  • Coping Strategies to Manage Stress
    When your car breaks down in the middle of the road on a Monday morning or you have a deadline on an important project at work, how do you respond? Stress can be considered a normal part of life and may be experienced by everyone in different ways. Read more
  • The Importance of Mental Health Awareness
    Did you know that 1 out of 4 Americans suffer from a mental illness? As you pull into the parking lot at your favorite grocery store, your church, the stadium Read more
  • When Grief Visits Your Home
    When you are feeling sad, melancholy, or depressed, where do you turn to grieve, for comfort, or a listening ear? A dear friend shared some excerpts from her journal about her personal feelings. With her permission, I’m sharing a portion that you might be able to identify with: “This morning, I feel melancholy, a sadness that I can’t shake. I’m usually pretty good with managing my feelings or so I’d like to think.” Read more
  • The Blessing of Having A Child with Special Needs
    My husband and I were excited in anticipation of the arrival of our first child. Family tradition dictates that he was to be named after his father. On an early Read more
  • Strategies to Building Emotional Resilience
    Imagine that your local news unexpectedly announces a category 5 Hurricane that might potentially have a devastating impact on your area. For those of us living in Florida, and those who live in or visit "Hurricane Alley" regions during hurricane season, this is a potential reality. Would you panic, become hysterical, and plan to flee in desperation? Or would you calmly strategize and execute a plan with the resources you currently have? Let's take into account our current worldwide life-changing event, the pandemic. Are you able to recognize what were your initial thoughts and actions? Individuals with high levels of emotional resilience have the ability to cope with many facets and aspects of life... Read more

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